Management Alle nieuwsrubrieken

EV Nieuws: Weg met de elektrische labbekak

De Plug-in hybride (PHEV) is de labbekak onder de duurzame auto’s. Staatssecretaris Wiebes drukt zich wat diplomatieker uit dan werkgeversvoorzitter Hans de Boer, maar…

RDC InMotive kennissessie

Join this informative and interactive event that brings together automotive OEM’s and suppliers to discuss the major challenges within warranty management that today’s competitive…

Remarketing Lounge

Join this informative and interactive event that brings together automotive OEM’s and suppliers to discuss the major challenges within warranty management that today’s competitive…

Automotive finance

Join this informative and interactive event that brings together automotive OEM’s and suppliers to discuss the major challenges within warranty management that today’s competitive…

Automotive Warranty Event

Join this informative and interactive event that brings together automotive OEM’s and suppliers to discuss the major challenges within warranty management that today’s competitive…